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Uncharted 4 Continue the Adventure Trophy

Uncharted 4: Trophy Guide

There's no greater treasure among thieves than a Platinum trophy.

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  • First And Second Playthrough
  • Third Playthrough And Cleanup
  • Multiplayer Trophies And Platinum

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End has a grand total of 56 trophies, It is a relatively easy platinum to get because you can use in-game cheats to help.

Getting the platinum will take around three playthroughs. The first playthrough is for fun, the second will need to be on crushing difficulty, and the third will be a speedrun. On the second playthrough, you should also be grabbing every collectible, just so that you don't need to play through again.

It's worth noting that the PS4 release of Uncharted 4 had some multiplayer-specific trophies, but that multiplayer isn't a part of the PS5 updated release. We've kept the trophies here in case you're playing the PS4 version.

First And Second Playthrough

Libertalia in Uncharted 4
Trophy Description Guide
Charted! -Explorer Complete the game in explorer mode. These five "Charted! trophies" are self-explanatory. All you need to do to unlock the trophy is beat the game on the corresponding difficulty. That said, if you complete the game on hard difficulty, you will also unlock the trophies for completing the game on explorer, light, and moderate modes. The same rule applies if you beat the game on moderate or easy, as you will unlock the trophies for every difficulty below the one you played. Also, you can only play the game on crushing difficulty if you've already completed the game once on any other difficulty. So collecting this trophy will require a second playthrough. If you are worried about crushing difficult, don't worry too much as you can use cheats on this playthrough to make things easier. For instance, you can activate infinite ammo, spawn weapons, and auto-aim. Cheats will not disable trophies, and you can activate them in the pause menu.
Charted! -Light Complete the game in light mode.
Charted! -Moderate Complete the game in moderate mode.
Charted! -Hard Complete the game in hard mode.
Charted! -Crushing Complete the game in crushing mode.
Treasure Find a Treasure. There are a total of 109 Treasures to find in Uncharted 4. You will want to look for all of these Treasures in your first or second playthrough. We recommend the latter, as following a guide can spoil some plot elements in your first playthrough. Finding these Treasures can be a challenge. Fortunately, we have a guide to help you find all 109 Treasures in the game. You will also want to collect the other collectibles like Optional Conversations, Journal Notes, and Journal Entries. If you accidentally miss one of these collectibles, you can find them again through Chapter Selection.
Treasure Hunter Find 50 Treasures.
Treasure Master Find all Treasures.
Relic Finder Find the Strange Relics. The Strange Relics are a part of the Treasure Collectibles, except these treasures are references to other Naughty Dog games. After you find all three Strange Relics, you will pop this trophy. Use our Uncharted 4 Treasures guide to locate these three collectibles. If you are already collecting every treasure, you will naturally get this trophy through that process.
Jot This Down Find a Journal Entry. There are 25 journal entries hidden throughout the campaign of Uncharted 4. Fortunately, we've also got a guide showing you where each of these journal entries is. You should grab these collectibles as you search for others like Treasures, Optional Conversations, and Journal Notes. Remember, you can always go back and look for it in Chapter Select if you miss one.
Lost Art Of Journaling Find all Journal Entries.
Take A Note Find a Journal Note. There are 23 Journal Notes in the campaign of Uncharted 4. Again, we've got you covered with a guide showing you where each Journal Note is. As mentioned before, get these notes alongside the other collectibles in your second playthrough. These other collectibles are Treasures, Optional Conversations, and Journal Entries. If you miss a Journal Note, you can go back via chapter select to find it.
Lost History Find All Journal Notes.
Still Got It! Hit all targets in the attic with the toy gun. At the beginning of Chapter Four, look for the toy gun in the attic (by the circular window on the other side). Once you get the gun, look for the red targets hanging from the ceiling (four total). All you need to do is shoot each target once.
Gift of Gab Listen to all Optional Conversations in-game. There are 36 optional conversations sprinkled throughout Uncharted 4. Fortunately, we have a guide marking each Optional Conversation and where to find them. Collect these Optional Conversations alongside Treasures, Journal Notes, and Journal Entries. If you miss an Optional Conversation, you can go back via chapter select to collect it later.
Unstoppable! Defeat 100 enemies in a row without dying in combat. You should be able to get this trophy in a normal playthrough simply by playing it safe. If you're having trouble, you can also turn on cheats for unlimited ammo and equip the best guns to make this even easier.
Trials and Tribulations Solve the first trial in Scotland in ten moves or less. Go to Chapter Nine in the Chapter Select menu. Get to the water bucket and cross puzzle. Start the puzzle by interacting with the skeleton on the left. The layout of the puzzle is always the same. The first thing you need to do is grab the water bucket and fill it in the water nearby. Then give the bucket to Sam and station yourself in front of the puzzle.
  • Turn the wheel second from the left once to the left.
  • Then turn the wheel third from the left twice to the left.
  • Then turn the wheel second from the left twice to the right.
  • Then turn the third wheel from the left once to the right.
Now you can pull the level to the left of the puzzle. The trophy will pop after you do this action.
Not a Cairn in the World Knock over all rock cairns in Madagascar. There are 16 Cairns in Chapter 10 that you need to knock down.
  • There is one at the start of the chapter and then three in the first open area.
  • Three more along the road after you cross the first bridge.
  • One in the next zone with the view that you enter.
  • One in the following rocky area that you enter.
  • One on the road after the first tower.
  • Four in the next open area.
  • One on the road leading out of this area.
  • And finally, one near the end after you cross the draw bridge.
After you knock down all sixteen Cairns, the trophy will pop. You cannot backtrack after you cross certain checkpoints, so make sure you collect them before moving on to a new area.
Don't Feed the Animals Play with the lemur in the market and let it steal your apple. This trophy is part of the Optional Conversations collectibles. So, if you are collecting those, you will unlock this naturally. In Chapter 11, you can interact with a woman selling apples in the market. After this interaction, continue through the market. Talk with the man and the lemur sitting against the wall on the left. When you walk away after talking with them, the lemur will steal your apple. This interaction will pop the trophy and trigger an Optional Conversation with Sully.
I Can See My House From Here! Climb to the very top of the clocktower in the city. In Chapter 11, when you climb the bell tower, climb past the bell at the top. Climb to the very tip-top of the bell tower and hang out here for a second until the trophy pops.
Glamour Shot Take a photo of Sully. In Chapter 11, after you bring down the bell tower and enter the room underground, you will stumble across a puzzle room with a tile puzzle. These tiles will have pirate sigils that correspond to paintings in the room. When Nate uses his phone to take a picture of the tiles to send to Sam, aim the smartphone camera towards Sully and snap a pic.
Stage Fright Just prior to city chase, stand perfectly still for 30 seconds. After you leave the bell tower, do not touch anything on your controller. After 30 seconds, the trophy will pop.
On Porpoise Get three dolphins to follow the boat. At the start of Chapter 12, go left towards the sandy island with the shipwreck. Go left of the island and then head towards the rocks in the distance. Keep the boat moving and move back and forth from the sandy shipwreck island and these rocks in the middle of the ocean. As you do this, porpoises will begin to follow your boat. Keep going until all three are following you. Then the trophy will pop.
Marco Polo Returns! Play in the ocean near the sunken ship. At the start of Chapter 12, head left to the sandy island with the shipwreck. When you get near the shipwreck, jump into the water and swim around for a bit. Nate will yell "Marco," and the trophy will pop.

Third Playthrough And Cleanup

Nathan and Sam Drake in Uncharted 4
Trophy Description Guide
Charted! - Speedrun Complete the game in six hours or less. The Charted! Speedrun trophy is an involved process and requires a bit of discipline. To collect this trophy, you must beat the game in 6 hours or less. To beat the game this quickly, you will need to form several speedrunning habits.
  • Play the game on explorer difficulty.
  • Use auto-aim.
  • Skip every cutscene that you can. The skip button is in the pause menu.
  • Use the infinite ammo cheat.
  • Use cheats to spawn the Barok .44 weapon in your inventory. It is a one-hit kill weapon, so it speeds up combat significantly. You will need to do this several times because the game will automatically change your inventory on most chapters.
  • Avoid all extra content. You are here to beat the story, and that is it.
  • Skip as much combat as possible. Most of the combat in the game can be skipped, with a few exceptions. In these combat scenarios, use your auto-aim and cheats. For other optional enemy encounters, ignore enemies and run past them.
  • If you are unsure of how to beat a level as quickly as possible, make sure you follow a speedrunning video guide to learn the fastest route.
Another thing you should note, when you decide to do the speed run, you will also want to keep your eye on the Sharpshooter trophy. This trophy will be a lot easier to get seeing as you will probably be using cheats to improve your aim. Also, at the beginning of Chapter 13, make an extra save for the Peaceful Resolution trophy later. Following the tips listed above should be enough to squeak a playthrough under the six-hour mark. You can always keep track of your time under the stats sections of the pause menu. Here are some time codes to help you know if you are on pace for the trophy. If you keep pace with these times, you can beat the game in five hours.
Chapter Numbers — Time To Aim For
  • 1 - The Lure Of Adventure — 0:00
  • 2 - Infernal Place — 0:06
  • 3 - The Malaysia Job — 0:17
  • 4 - A Normal Life — 0:31
  • 5 - Hector Alcazar — 0:39
  • 6 - Once a Thief — 0:42
  • 7 - Lights Out — 0:48
  • 8 - The Grave of Henry Avery — 1:15
  • 9 - Those Who Prove Worthy — 1:35
  • 10 - The Twelve Towers — 1:50
  • 11 - Hidden in Plain Sight — 2:08
  • 12 - At Sea — 2:37
  • 13 - Marooned — 2:52
  • 14 - Join Me in Paradise — 3:04
  • 15 - The Thieves of Libertalia — 3:13
  • 16 - The Brothers Drake — 3:23
  • 17 - For Better or Worse — 3:35
  • 18 - New Devon — 3:55
  • 19 - Avery's Descent — 4:10
  • 20 - No Escape — 4:20
  • 21 - Brother's Keeper — 4:38
  • 22 - A Thief's End — 4:45
  • Epilogue — 4:55
  • Final Completed Time — 5:00
Peaceful Resolution After being marooned, leave everyone alive until the Treasury.
This trophy is tricky because you need to play the game on explorer difficulty until Chapter 13. The best method is to create a separate save here while doing the speedrun trophy. So, when you start Chapter 13 on your speedrun, make another save to do this challenge later. Starting at Chapter 13, you must sneak by every enemy without killing them. Sam's kills count towards the counter so getting spotted can lead to people accidentally dying. A couple of tips for the encounters:
  • Use cliffs to stealth shimmy during enemy encounters.
  • Die if you accidentally kill someone so you can restart at the last checkpoint.
Sharpshooter Complete game with 70 percent or higher shot accuracy. The Sharpshooter trophy will be the easiest to unlock in your Speedrun playthrough. The reason is that you will encounter fewer enemies and have cheats helping you aim. In general, this trophy is easy to unlock. Once you reach Chapter 15, the trophy will pop.
Head Of The Class! Defeat 20 enemies with headshots. This trophy should pop as you play through the campaign. If you don't get it by playing through the campaign, you can farm it out in Chapter 20. Just take out as many enemies in a row as you want in this section with headshots and restart the checkpoint now and then. After 50 headshots, the trophy will pop.
You Have A Head For This Business Defeat 50 enemies with headshots.
Hangman's Bullet Perform 20 headshots from the rope. In Encounter Select, go to Chapter 15 and select Tower Collapse on explorer difficulty. Make sure auto-aim is off because it will not help with headshots. Then slowly aim at each enemy and get as many headshots as possible. Do not jump off of the rope during this process. After you kill all of them, restart the checkpoint and do the same thing again. Keep going until you reach 20 headshots on the rope.
Stealth First Ask Questions Later Stealth take-down five enemies. You will likely unlock this trophy as you play the game, or you can collect it when you go for the "I Thought I Heard Something" trophy below.
Shh Sleep Now Stealth take-down 30 enemies.
I Thought I Heard Something Perform 30 vertical stealth takedowns. In Encounter Select, go to Chapter Eight and pick the Bridge encounter on explorer. Shimmy over to the left and drop down to kill the enemy below you. Then restart the checkpoint (retains the vertical stealth takedown counter). Repeat this 30 times until the trophy pops.
Run-And-Gunner Defeat 50 enemies from the hip or through blind-firing In Chapter Select, go to Chapter 20 and reach the encounter with the soldiers on the shipwrecks. Use your hip fire to take out as many enemies as possible, and then once you get through a dozen or so enemies, restart the checkpoint. Keep doing this process until the trophy pops.
Leapfrog Defeat ten enemies in a row, alternating between gunplay and hand-to-hand. In Chapter Select, go to Chapter 20. You will encounter lots of enemies on the shipwreck portion of this level. As you fight them, swap between your gun and melee after every kill. After you get ten in a row, the trophy will pop.
Rushing Roulette Defeat enemies with a pistol, machine gun, and grenade, in that order, in 15 seconds. In Encounter Select, go to Chapter 10 and select the Drawbridge encounter. You will have everything you need in your inventory. Get a pistol kill, switch to your AK-47, and get a kill as quickly as possible. Then, use a grenade to get another kill. If you mess up, restart the encounter.
Ghost In The Cemetery Get through Scotland cemetery combat encounter without killing or being seen. In the Encounter Select menu, go to Chapter Eight and select the Dormitories encounter. Make sure you do this challenge on explorer difficulty. To get this trophy, you need to sneak past the guards on the building. Then, open the door in the back. This trophy can be pretty tricky, and you may need a few attempts to do it properly. Also, note that enemies can sense you (yellow marker), but this will not affect the trophy.
Butterfingers Make ten enemies drop their grenades. In Encounter Select, pick Market Showdown encounter under Chapter 11. Pick whatever difficulty you want, but explorer is always a safe and good choice. Activate infinite ammo and the bullet speed cheats in the pause menu. Now, you need to wait until the soldiers in the market reach down to throw a grenade. When they start this grenade animation, quickly aim and shoot them to make them drop the grenade. After defeating the soldier behind the orange wooden palette, restart the checkpoint. Keep playing this section until you make ten enemies drop their grenades.
Boom County Defeat four enemies with the same explosion (all explosive items and weapons apply). In Encounter Select, go to Chapter 20 and pick the Showdown encounter on explorer. Kill the enemies on the beach and quickly make your way to the RPG crate. Pick the RPG up and aim right near the crate where the enemies are dropping down. When four enemies are near each other, blow them up to collect the trophy.
Defeat 10 in 60 - China Lake GL Defeat ten enemies in 60 seconds with the China Lake Grenade Launcher. In Encounter Select, go to Chapter 20 and pick the Ship Graveyard encounter on explorer. Use cheats to give yourself the China Lake GL and infinite ammo. Run through the beginning of this encounter and wreck your enemies with the grenade launcher. After your tenth kill in under 60 seconds, the trophy will pop.
Hang Tough! Destroy ten vehicles while being dragged from the rope. In Encounter Select, select the Convoy encounter in Chapter 11 on explorer difficulty. Then shoot at the vehicles beside you until they blow up. After you blow up several cars, restart the checkpoint and do the same thing again. After you blow up ten cars, the trophy will pop.
Run The Table Defeat enemies with a stealth attack, melee attack, headshot, and explosives, in that order, in 15 seconds. In Encounter Select, select the Drawbridge encounter in Chapter 10. Make sure you do this encounter on explorer difficulty. Jump down from the tower and head into the grass beside the truck. Then wait until the group of soldiers walks by the grass. Stealth takes down the first soldier. Then, melee the soldier beside them and shoot the third soldier in the head. Opposite the grass is a small building with a red barrel on its roof. Next to the red barrel is another soldier. Shoot the red barrel as quickly as possible, and the trophy should pop.
Hitting A Brick Wall Defeat five armored enemies with melee only. In Encounter Select, go to Chapter 10 and select the Avery's Tower encounter on explorer. This encounter has a few armored enemies, so run up to the rock in the middle and climb up it. Jump down onto the armored soldier to melee their helmet off. Then beat them up until they die. Restart the checkpoint after you down a couple of armored enemies and repeat until the trophy pops.
Wingman Perform ten combo buddy takedowns. In Encounter Select, select the Laundry Fight encounter in Chapter Two. Try to get as many buddy takedowns as possible. You should be able to do so in one go, but if not, just reset the checkpoint and keep trying.
Cliffhanger Pull 20 enemies over when hanging from a ledge. In Encounter Select, go to Chapter Eight and select the dormitory encounter on explorer difficulty. Run up to the front of the main building and pull the first enemy off the ledge. Then restart the checkpoint and do the same thing again. Repeat this process until the trophy pops (20 times). Your "ledge" kills from the campaign will not carry over, and you will have to get all twenty kills in a row.
I Accidentally All the Guns Use every weapon in the game. If you want to unlock this trophy, the best option is to wait until you have found all the collectibles in the game. Finding collectibles will give you points towards unlocking cheats. Once you have enough points, go to the bonus menu and select the weapons section. But first, go to an encounter in the Encounters menu with lots of enemies. Then one by one, unlock a weapon and get one kill with it. After you get a kill, unlock the next weapon and get a kill with that weapon. Do this process until there are no more enemies and you've used all the guns.
Ludonarrative Dissonance Defeat 1,000 enemies. This trophy should pop sometime during your third playthrough. If not, keep playing the game and completing other kill-based trophies until it pops.
Best Score! Beat the best score in the retro videogame. This trophy is only possible when you play Crash in the epilogue as that version is slightly different because you can get more points playing it. In short, there is an extra life you can collect (500 points) and more fruit in this version. So, if you are trying to unlock this trophy, boot up the epilogue through Chapter Selection. Play through Crash without dying and collect as many fruits and lives as possible. If you fail, restart the checkpoint to try again. Once you beat the high score, you will pop the trophy.
Just Floor It! Drive away in the jeep with Elena without killing any enemies. In Encounter Select, go to Chapter 17 and select the Get To The Car encounter on explorer. Use the cliffs to sneak past every enemy and get to the car. This trophy challenge might take a few attempts. Try to memorize enemy locations to sneak by them easier. Once you get in the car, drive out of there without running anyone over. The trophy will pop when you leave the encounter area.
Swordmaster Perfectly parry Rafe in the sword fight without getting slashed or stabbed. In chapter select, go to Chapter 22 and play it on explorer difficulty. Make your way to the ship. Then enter the room where the Rafe boss fight is. After the cutscene, the duel will begin. Spam the left and right dodge buttons. This "cheat" will make it so you will avoid getting hit by Rafe every time he attacks. Then, all you need to do is hit the attack button at the right moment. Eventually, you will beat Rafe.

Multiplayer Trophies And Platinum

Nathan Drake on a boat in Uncharted 4

As we've said above, it's important to bear in mind that the Legacy of Thieves Collection won't have the multiplayer portion of Uncharted 4, which means these trophies won't be included.

Trophy Description Guide
Continue the Adventure Complete the Uncharted Multiplayer Introduction. Boot up multiplayer and unlock this trophy.
Get in the Game Complete five matches in Multiplayer. This trophy is very easy to get and will unlock as you go for the other multiplayer trophies.
Trials by Fire Complete all trials on Moderate (difficulty) in Multiplayer. This trophy is not hard to get, but it does take a bit of time. All you need to do is beat all the trials on moderate, which should be simple if you have already completed the campaign.
Friends Forever! Spawn ten Sidekicks in Multiplayer. One of the mechanics for the multiplayer is spawning sidekicks. During a multiplayer match, you will earn money for getting kills and completing other tasks. You can then use this money to buy sidekicks. Do this ten times, and you will pop this trophy.
Medic! Revive ten Allies in Multiplayer. During a regular multiplayer match, be prepared to revive fallen teammates. Do this action ten times, and the trophy will pop.
One Last Time Collect All The Trophies. The One Last time trophy is the Platinum for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. To unlock this trophy, you must collect every other trophy in the game. This trophy will pop when you get the last trophy. Congratulations!

NEXT: PlayStation All-Stars: Characters For A Potential Sequel


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